Eczema Natural Cure

Do you want to Eliminate eczema without the use of medication?

Do you want to eliminate dry skin forever and stop the itching?

Susan Clark like you was suffered from Eczema for several years. She tried all conventional eczema treatment but none of them cured her Eczema permanently.

She used to feel embarrassed to go to public because of those red spots on her skin. She was sick and tired taking those dangerous steroids till her friend shared with her a secret Eczema cure.

Susan Clark followed her friend Cindy Patterson's advice on eczema treatment. After few weeks her Eczema was gone forever. Now she has younger, toned, firm skin.

Click here to read complete story of Susan.

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Click here to visit home page of Susan Clark's site

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Eczema Natural Treatment

Conventional treatment for eczema includes the usage of steroids, skin lotions.
Because of the side-effects associated with this conventional treatment, a lot of people have started resorting to natural remedies for eczema treatment.

A lot of natural remedies for eczema can also be prepared at home which can help in healing eczema to a considerable extent.

15 Home remedies for eczema

1. Applying coconut oil on the eczema affected portions of the skin helps in healing eczema. It also keeps the skin supple. This is one of the simplest eczema remedies available.

2. Another well-known type of eczema remedies is sunbathing. Many dermatologists also advocate this kind of therapy since its cheap, simple and one of the natural remedies for eczema.

3. Application of a paste made out of turmeric powder and bitter neem leaves also helps in eczema relief.

4. Usage of the juice of spearmint leaves is also an effective eczema therapy.

5. Mustard oil is also known to be one of the natural remedies for eczema.

6. In this, neem leaves are boiled in mustard oil in an iron vessel. After boiling the oil is made to cool and should be applied four times a day.

7. Carrot is also known to be applied on itching areas as an effective eczema remedy

8. Almond leaves when crushed in water and applied on the affected area, gives good eczema relief.

9. A potion made of Wormwood and Kutki (kept overnight) when drunk by the victim for 3 to 5 weeks can help in healing eczema.

10. Seeds of the papaya fruit when mashed and applied on affected areas also provide soothing relief to patient.

11. A paste made out of crushed Strawberry acts as a good eczema help, and is applied on the affected areas of the skin.

12. A lot of natural remedies for eczema include proteins, minerals and vitamins which are found in food supplements. A few of them would be

13. Aloe Vera, ginseng, ginger and cinnamon.

14. It is important for the patient to de-stress himself, since psychological imbalance also aggravates/causes eczema. Also one should bathe with mild soap and lukewarm water. Moisturisers can also be used to keep the skin soft. Care should be taken to not scratch the affected area even if it itches. This is to be observed by the patient apart from other eczema remedies.

15. Consultations with dermatologists are extremely important. The patient can be addressed by the dermatologist regarding dietary restraints that can help reduce the flare-up of eczema. Normally, foods like eggs, soy, fresh, but, peanuts, red meat, spices etc aggravate the eczema condition.

1 comment:

  1. Great list, what about seaweed bath based products and dead sea products. I have been scouring the web to find more details about the effectiveness of natural products but have found very little to date.
